Faith Formation


Faith Formation 

 Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

2024-2025 Faith Formation Registration Materials

All families will need to fill out the Family white card and the Blackboard Connect form. This includes children in grade 1, 2 and 8 who attend a Catholic School. A baptismal certificate is needed for all children who were not baptized here at St. Pius X. 

The 2024-25 Program Calendar can be found here: Calendar 2024-2025

The family card can be found here: White Card

The blackboard notification form can be found here: Blackboard Connect Form

For information about our Parish Faith Formation program: Faith Formation Information 2024

For program information for students attending a Catholic School: Catholic Schools Information 2024

Confirmation 2025 Forms:

The Sponsor form must be filled out by the Sponsor and brought to their church to be signed. The form can be found here: Sponsor Form-SPX

Each candidate must write a letter to Fr. John asking to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The instruction can be found here:  Instructions for Letter to Fr John 2025

The Sponsor form and letter to Fr. John are due September 1, 2024.

The general outline of what can be expected from each candidate throughout the Confirmation program can be found here:  PLEDGE OF COMMITMENT 2025

Each candidate must complete at least 10 hours of ministry either here in the parish our in our community. The Ministry project is due April 17, 2025 the form can be found here: MINISTRY PROJECT 2025 

Each candidate has the choice of choosing a confirmation name. Names must be that of a saint or a blessed. Candidates may keep their baptismal name as long as it meets the same criteria. All candidates must fill out this form and submit it by April 17th. St. Pius X Confirmation Name Form

First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion:

First Communion music

The Butterfly Song:

Circle of Grace

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People calls on all Dioceses to provide safe environment education for children and youth. The Diocese has been providing this training through several resources in the past. A few years ago the Diocese began implementing a new curriculum with our Faith Formation programs called Circle of Grace. This curriculum is meant to supplement and be integrated into our primary faith formation program.

Circle of Grace teaches:

  • God’s presence and assistance in difficult and confusing situations as an essential component in its K-12 curriculum.
  • A philosophy that can be used throughout the year as a concept that reinforces God’s real presence in our lives, respect and skills of how to make good choices.
  • The sacredness of each person and how relationships are called to be experiences of divine love.
  • Beyond the “safe-touch” models by addressing the whole person thus is able to teach how boundary violations can occur through all of our senses.
  • A holistic approach giving children and youth the skills to identify uncomfortable situations long before inappropriate touch occurs.
  • Children and youth to identify the “trusted adults” in their lives in addition to their parents.
  • Parents by informative letters, lesson handouts and education material.

For a list of answers to questions please click here: COG Common Questions.

To opt out of the Circle of Grace program please download this form: CoG-Opt-out-5-2022 and return the completed form to the Faith Formation office.

VBS 2025 True North

Please click here for the registration form for Vacation Bible School 2025 Registration Form

Faith Formation News:

New Families:

If you have a child entering 1st Grade or entering our program at any grade level for the first time, please call or email the Faith Formation office with your mailing address so we can get registration materials to you. This is not necessary if you have other children registered in the Parish program already. A Baptismal Certificate (for children not baptized at St. Pius X) and Family Parish Registration are required when registering for Faith Formation classes.

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 pm

Please call, (508)394-0709 or email, with any questions

Children’s Weekly Bulletins Children’s Worship Bulletins now has a page filled with games, activities and resources for kids and families to enjoy at home. Follow the link to download these free resources!

As parents, you are the primary educators of your children. God calls you to nurture the spiritual growth of your children just as you nurture their physical and mental growth. While we are unable to meet for our Faith Formation classes please continue to work with your students on their lessons at home.  

Grade 1 Students – Please continue to practice the Prayers on the sheet below (Prayers)

Prayers Click Here

About Faith Formation 

Faith Formation is here to guide and support and strengthen your family’s growth in the Catholic faith.

As parents, you are the primary educators of your children. God calls you to nurture the spiritual growth of your children just as you nurture their physical and mental growth. This responsibility requires you to grow in faith yourselves in order to share that faith with your children – by how you live each and every day.

Our children need to hear us speak about our faith. They need strong role models to show them in word and in deed how faith works in the lives of faith-filled adults. Formation your child receives here is intended to reinforce what is taught and practiced at home, namely:

Mass Participation  God wants us to spend 1 out of the 168 hours He gives us each week at Mass. As Christians, we are obligated to attend Mass each Sunday and on Holy Days. Showing up is the first important step. Participating in the Mass is the ultimate goal! Sunday Mass will be live streamed through Facebook at 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM 

Prayer is ‘talking with God.’ It can be formal or informal. Prioritize talking to God and about God at least once a day with or in front of your children.

Class Participation is vital in class. This requires respectful behavior and regular attendance.  Parents please review the lesson each week with your child. This helps reinforce what the child has learned, and shows them by example you take an active interest in what they are learning about the faith.

The full schedule of classes and events can be found on the Calendar.

Faith Formation is here to serve you. We are located at 96 Station Avenue, just outside the main entrance of the church. We can be reached at (508) 394-0709 or 

Ms. Shanna Kelly, Director of Faith Formation 

Fr. John Kelleher, Pastor

Fr. Jim Mattaliano S.J., Parochial Vicar